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// Definition for singly-linked list.
pub mod structs {
    Defines a struct named ListNode with two fields, val of type i32 and next of type


    * `val`: The `val` property of the `ListNode` struct represents the value stored in the node. In
    this case, it is an integer value of type `i32`.
    * `next`: `next` is a property of the `ListNode` struct that represents a pointer to the next node
    in a linked list. It is an `Option` type that can either be `None` if there is no next node, or
    `Some` containing a `Box` that points to the next
    `#[derive(PartialEq,Eq,Debug)]` is a Rust attribute that automatically generates implementations
    of the `PartialEq`, `Eq`, and `Debug` traits for the `ListNode` struct. This allows instances of
    the `ListNode` struct to be compared for equality using the `==` operator, and printed using the
    `println!` macro with the `{:?}` format specifier.
    pub struct ListNode{
        pub val: i32,
        pub next: Option<Box<ListNode>>,
    impl ListNode{
        `#[inline]` is a Rust attribute that suggests the compiler to inline the function at the
        call site. This means that instead of calling the function, the code of the function is
        inserted directly into the calling code. This can improve performance by reducing the
        overhead of function calls. 
        pub fn new(val: i32) -> Self {
            ListNode { next: None, val}

mod tests {
    use super::structs::*;
    `Box` is a smart pointer in Rust that provides **heap** allocation of
    values. In this code, `Box` is used to create a new instance of
    `ListNode` on the heap and store a pointer to it in the `next` field
    of another `ListNode`. This allows for the creation of a linked list
    data structure where each node is allocated on the heap and connected
    to the next node through a pointer.
    `unwrap_or` is a method provided by the `Option` type in Rust. It
    takes a default value as an argument and returns either the value
    contained in the `Option` if it is `Some`, or the default value if
    the `Option` is `None`. In the given code,
    `result.take().unwrap_or(Box::new(ListNode::new(0))).val` is used
    to get the value of the `ListNode` contained in `result`, or a new
    `ListNode` with a value of 0 if `result` is `None`. The `val`
    property of the resulting `ListNode` is then returned.
    fn it_works() {
        let mut result = Some(
        Box::new(ListNode {
            val: 9,
            next: Some(Box::new(ListNode {
                val: 8,
                next: Some(Box::new(ListNode {
                    val: 3,
                    next: Some(Box::new(ListNode::new(3))),

        assert_eq!(result.take().unwrap_or(Box::new(ListNode::new(0))).val, 9);

当然自动生成的内容基本只是解释现有代码, 不涉及更深层次的内容,还需要结合其他方式学习。